Already? It sure is cold out, too. But last Saturday, it was beautiful, so Doug and I went snowshoeing. I couldn't go for too long, but we had a wonderful time, and we laughed a lot.
Most importantly, though, I brought my camera, and did do this layout of Doug and Issy. I still need to do a layout of myself-so I can prove that I actually did leave the confines of my four walls.
And, as grace is NOT my middle name, I'm here to say that if you step on your own snowshoe, chances are you WILL fall. And, if you are like me, getting up will not be easy. That was where the laughing came in. Doug tried to help me up, but alas, I was stuck like a beached whale. So, I threw myself all the way down, and took a picture of the sky through the trees. Then, with some help, I did finally manage to get back on my feet. On our walk, we came across some neat tracks of turkey wings in the snow. The photos didn't do the tracks justice--but I'll try to get a layout done of them anyway.
Well, that's it for today. Later, Gators!
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